The Importance of Addressing Ageism in UX Design


You'll likely encounter roadblocks when hiring for your UX design team. It can be challenging to find and keep talent who is excited about what they are working on and will continue toward a positive future together. If you've been struggling with finding the right people to fill open roles, you may have come across the term "ageism" in the process. Ageism is a type of prejudice officially recognized by the United Nations since 2011. It refers to discriminatory attitudes toward older people. People believe that our abilities diminish or become obsolete as we age. This can make it challenging for anyone older than their colleagues or peers in their field to find work opportunities that don't discriminate against them. Luckily, there are ways that you can fight ageism while also doing your part not to hire any bad apples as a company because of their age.

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